Following the events of the past week, like the rest of the country and world, we had to take the sad decision to discontinue our normal rehearsals.
However, not ones to be laid low, we’re thrilled to announce that all of our sessions have now moved online! Using the video conferencing software, Zoom, we’re able to continue all our sessions and ensure that all our fantastic singers across our 5 groups, are able to keep singing, keep honing their parts AND, crucially, keep socialising and catching up. Albeit, in the land of cyberspace!
Furthermore, at this difficult time of social distancing and self-isolation, and when people are being told to stay indoors and keep away from work and their usual hobbies, we’re THRILLED to announce that we’ve created a NEW online VOTT Choir!
For anyone, wherever they may be across the UK (and beyond!), who is desperate for a creative, musical release, a good ol’ sing and some much needed social interaction, get in touch via membership@voiceofthetown.co.uk and we’ll get you signed up and cyber-ready to sing with our new virtual video VOTT choir!