What We Do… feat. Glasgow VOTT


01 Dec 2019


Cottiers Theatre, Glasgow


£13   Buy Tickets

What We Do Show Glasgow Voice of the Town Choir

Following  last  year’s  brilliant  show,  Feelin’  GoodGlasgow’s  Voice  of  the  Town  Choir  are  back  at  Cottiers  for  an  even  bigger,  funkier  show  than  ever  before!

With  a  powerhouse  set  of  songs  from  Gospel,  Soul/Funk,  RnB  and  Pop/Rock,  complete  with  stunning,  powerful  harmonies,  original  and  exciting  vocal  arrangements  and  foot-stomping  grooves,  it  really  is  a  must-see  show.  And  with  some  of  the  region’s  very  best  musicians  accompanying  and  a  hugely  talented  support  act  opening,  you’ll  be  left  in  no  doubt  about  What  We  Do…

Please  note,  this  is  a mainly standing  event.  Seating is however available for those requiring it due to mobility issues.
Seats must be reserved in advance by emailing events@voiceofthetown.co.uk